Wednesday, November 6, 2019


CONSTITUTIONAL POSITION PAPER essays At the heart of this argument, the issue is weather or not the founding fathers were thinking of themselves, or of others when the constitution was written. That is basically what it comes down to when the problem is watered down. John Roche, the one who believes that the founding fathers were incredible democratic reformers says yes, whiles Alfred Young says now and believes that the founding fathers were nothing more than a group of elite merchants, lawyers, and slave holders that were forced into creating a fair document that could be used by all. I personally believe that both of them make good points but I believe that I am inclined to lean to John Roches side. For if the founding fathers were forced into creating something fair that they personally could prosper for, then they would not have had to go to such great extents to create the constitution. I agree with John Roche on several parts, including that the founding fathers were the most superb reformers of their time. Not only that, they were committed to working for and within a democratic framework. For if these men were not committed to working for the people, they would not have stood out like they did during the revolutionary war. If you look at any bit of the time during and before the war, when the British were passing all of those impossibly unfair laws against the colonists to extort them, you will see nearly all of the names that signed the constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, stand out constantly. My second point, yes, Alfred Young is right and the founding fathers were generally a part of an Elite group of well-educated lawyers, and merchants. But let us face it, would you want dumb common farmers writing a constitution that would be shaping a nation? These men were rich, yes, but they were also selfless. They were risking their fortunes during the war to fight for equality. Were they just looking to profit for themselves, they mainly wo...

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